Above the 17 windows needed for the chair car, I have a Barney & Smith coach side. The B&S coaches was within 2" of the chair cars in length, and so they are give a good feel for how the windows will be spaced. Similarly, I've put the 11 arched windows needed for one side of the combine (with a space left for the baggage door) next to an Oahu Railway coach side, which minus the corner moldings is 1'4" longer than the combine. In the middle are extra windows plus the four needed for the baggage car side. I'll clean up the remainder of the photos prior to assembling the sides.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that, as of today, we have a 1 week old daughter. Despite being off work for this splendid event, I haven't had any additional hobby time. I attempted to take our 2 year old son to the local Wonder of the World, an 80,000sq ft model railroad, but learned after we got there that they are closed Weds from January thru March. We made up for it by stopping by one of the dozen local railroad yards...the only one with passenger cars...and let him watch a little switching (he loves that sort of thing).
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