Sunday, August 15, 2010

Arched windows and grab iron bending jigs

The most challenging aspects of an accurate South Park (or, really, any prototype) passenger car is all in the details. Arched windows were the norm, and so they represent one of the more challenging aspects of building good models.

Tonight, I successfully produced the rounded corners needed...and in a manner which I can replicate them with precision.

Here is the result of my first attempt:

I'm probably going to make them a bit more pronounced than these...but the technique has been proven.

Additionally, here are the intriguing box steps for the Oahu Railway cars:
Note that a corner is missing out of each one...that is because steps actually run slightly under the end sill on the prototype.

And lastly, my grab iron bending jig for the Oahu Railway cars. The Oahu Railway used far more complicated grab irons that your typical passenger car. This jig should allow anyone to assemble them with just a little practice.

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