765 was under steam, and caboose rides behind the caboose were available. My little boy had a great time...he was not scared at all...even when the whistle was blown.
Liam and mommy enjoyed sitting in the cupola of my favorite caboose, the recently restored NKP #141.

After that, they road the cupola of the Wabash caboose during our caboose ride. He didn't care that it was raining, he stuck his head out the window and got drenched.

He was very enthusiastic about the "Gordie"...Gordie is derived from Thomas the Tank Engine's friend Gordon, an LNER A3 pacific (the Flying Scotsman).

The president of the society (aka "dad"), arranged for our entire group to have a short cab ride. Liam sat on my lap in the pilot seat behind Rich Melvin as he preformed his familiar role and Liam looked out the window. His cousins were on the fireman's side (Jeff) where grandma took their photo. This was the first cab ride for Liam and my wife. It may have been my first steam cab ride in a decade or so. The cab is a fun place to ride...and Rich is always a pleasure to talk with.
A few other photos:

The Wabash 0-6-0 is now in the shop

The new NKP caboose. Built in 1962, four years after 765 was parked.

Our family photo.
Here's slightly larger rounded corners for the South Park cars:

I probably need to try a slightly larger radius, but they are looking better.
I'm currently learning the nuances of the detail part mold for my Oahu Railway coaches. I've managed to eliminate air bubbles...but my castings are coming out a touch thick...too thick of flash.
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