Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Trestle Construction

I finally go around to finishing up the bench work this past weekend, and have now begun building the trestle. The Deck is 2/3 completed, with the parts for the rest awaiting assembly.


I'm currently cutting pieces for the bents. I have built jigs for cutting and assembling the pieces.

Here are my jigs:
deck tie spacing

Trestle bent legs

Deck stringers

And a collection of cut parts.

I'm using basswood. First, I stain it Miniwax Pine. I then stain it with diluted india ink. Some of the pieces are stained with similar colors to provide a bit of variety.

I also had the pleasure of my copy of Sloan's Narrow Gauge Data Book arriving. What as resource! I'm most intrigued by a couple Carson & Colorado cars. Great stuff!

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