Thursday, December 16, 2010

On3 work on hold

I'm currently engaged in the mad rush to get my son's 1:20.3 scale 2-4-0 built. I plan on resuming my On3 work (and blogging about it) after Christmas. It really isn't a good idea to perform 90% of the work on scratch building a locomotive in the 30 days leading up to when it needs to be done.

The decals will be from Stan Cedarleaf and are the same ones he developed with David Fletcher ( Masterclass Master Builder) for David's gorgeous model of the 1871 D&RG Shou-wa-no. The Shou-wa-no was one of the freight engines while the 2-4-0s were passenger power. The initial freight and passenger cars where four wheeled and more like LGB cars than the B-man, Aristocraft, and such.

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