Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pictures of goodies

The following photo shows the end beam, bolster, and needle beam.

The bolster is the steel variety used on the shop built 1st class coaches. The difficult to see needle beam is prototypical for these cars, just like the bolster and end beam. An additional trust rod runs the length of the needle beam with a pair of small queen posts in between the 12" queen posts for the truss rods running in between the bolsters. I ran across the name for this arrangement in the 1895 Car Builder's Dictionary, but it escapes me.

At the far end of the car is a second needle beam and bolster; they are appropriate for the Carter built products, shop built second-class coaches, and the head end equipment.

A better view of these is here:

The QPs are scratch built on these parts. While Grandt Line offers fine products, they don't have the correct QPs...their 3" variety has too wide of a base...and they offer no such part for passenger cars. I'm not a big fan of PSC's brass needle beam, nor is it correct for this car, and so my tastes have required building my own. I will be very pleased with these cars when they are ready...they won't be ready until I am so.

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