Saturday, January 23, 2010

OR&L Pictoral Supplement

I don't believe I've uploaded any photos of the Oahu Railway coach (either the prototype or the model). So this post addresses that deficiency.

Here are the completed roof components:
At this stage, the final assembly of the major parts could be accomplished in an hour or less, but I've got a couple issues with the car ends that I'd prefer to figure out first.

Here are a couple of the parts (fascia board and clerestory windows) overlaid on the drawing from the Gazette. The drawing is slightly undersized (4" over the body, but within 99% of the size). The parts are exactly to scale. The reason I'm showing this is the curve profiles...they are exact.

Here are a few photos I took of the prototype at the Hawaiian Railway Society:



2 wooden cars in sad shape
The arched roof car is one of around a dozen that the OR&L built in the company shops around 1920. I won't get around to building one of them for some time as they are very long and my layout has very sharp (27"R) curves...

And their step-sister which has many design features in common:
Private car again

Private Car

Over on, several good and knowledgeable gentlemen have shared photos and information regarding the Oahu Railway coaches...and the surviving B&S coach...

The coach and combine at Travel Town thanks to Brian N...

The neat roof detail on the B&S coaches...thanks again to Brian N...

To improve my detail shots, I used a Lowe's gift card on 1000W of Halogen lighting. I currently lack adequate cords to use them, but I have a few test shots here:

Obviously, too much direct light on the styrene.

A nice few of the wood grain I added to the styrene, but I need more lighting on that transom facing the camera.

An incomplete brake cylinder.

I need more time to practice with the lights, but they clearly have potential. Wish my wife's really nice camera hadn't died...

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