I started off with reinforcing, laterally, the vertical frame members by drilling holes and adding pins from the horizontal members...after gluing them back in place. I also filed down the crankpin locations on the lead driver as well as the backs of the crosshead guides. I added 2"x4" spacers to lower the driver bearings (raising the frame), filed off a couple bits here and there, and it rolled smoothly once more. I then reinstalled the gearbox and connected the motor...success! I now need to find some longer crankpin screws for the main drivers.
The level of satisfaction that I receive from success with this project is definitely the greatest I've ever experienced in this hobby. The second greatest is from building passenger cars.
Before renewing work (mustering up the courage) on the 2-8-0, I made a mold and cast a few name plate ovals for my passenger cars. I cheated a bit on the mold and regret it, but it will work. I also got around to working some on my 26' flatcar deck. I'm still not happy with it...it needs more gray...but it is improving.
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