The white brake lever was a replacement for the original that went "snap". Of course, the brake staff is removable...a lesson I've learned a couple times before. I'm going to wash it, chemically blacken the grab brass parts, and then paint it.
With that out of the way, I completed the windows for my passenger cars. I'm glad to be working on them again.

Liam is showing quite a bit of interest in his OO scale Thomas trains. My side of the family saw him in action on Saturday...intently following Thomas...almost rolling over to keep an eye on him. Clearly, we must be doing something right as parents so far. On the same day, I learned that whistles and my nephew Evan are a bad combination. I let 4yr old Evan run some trains in TrainZ...and he insisted on holding the whistle for minutes at a time. He also insisted on using a "diesel"...hopefully he will learn (diesel = devil).

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