Saturday, July 4, 2009

Side doors for DSP&P #40

The Denver, South Park, and Pacific's baggage-express car #40 has all 6 of its side doors now. Each of the 4 baggage doors was made from 32 pieces of styrene. The openings scale out to match C&S baggage car #1 which was what #40 became during the 20th century.

Here she is with the parts nearly invisible on my recently found MR notebook.

Here's a nice view of three of the doors in place.

I suspect that this will definitely draw plenty of interest on my future many baggage cars had that many windows and doors? I still have to make the two doors for the ends of the car...then I'll have no excuse for not painting it and assembling the car body.

Unfortunately, I plan to model one of the two sections of the South Park that had a mail this will be reserved for special passenger trains (the mail was handled by a trio of BMXs...2 Pullman and 1 UP) as the regular will need an RPO. I plan to build both Pullman BMXs when I build 2-3 of the original Pullmans.

The lovely wife allowed me to take over her old DAAP box (DAAP was where she picked up her B.A. in design). I've turned it into a tool storage bin.

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